On Friday, we went back to Red Cross and got to organize some cluttered cabinets and make them all pretty! Naturally, we have fun along the way....
in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community) The last test for these people was to rescue survivors. We were the "survivors". They put injury makeup on us, and then sent us to a dark basement (an old morgue, actually). It was an awesome, awesome time! They gave me a stuffed dog, so I went with the "crazy pet owner" and decided that I wasn't leaving the "disaster area" without my dog. They had to carry me out on this blanket-thingy, then they wrapped my injured arm and worked on my "broken" leg. It was definitely an interesting experience...
That night I went to World of Fun! That was super awesome! And then Tuesday, I went to a Mary Kay Convention.... There were a lot of rich ladies who were big into makeup there. I wasn't one of them. It was a fun experience though!
Nothing else has really gone on this week, but this weekend was busy! We went to Rolla, MO and went to two ISPs. One involved cleaning a room of toys that was for children with special needs, the other was helping out at the Fugitive Run. The Fugitive Run was awesome! I didn't run it, I just volunteered there. At the end they let us go down this water slide, it was awesome! The impact was really hard but I really loved it. It rained the entire time we were there and it was cold, so we were all soaked completely. But I enjoyed it!
Sunday, two of us went to go to the animal shelter one last time. We cleaned some rooms and said goodbye to our favorite animals. They sent us into the feral room without telling us, so we couldn't figure out why all the cats were so violent. Besides that, it was a good time.