OK, I know it's been a while... A long while... So here is what's been happening.

About a month and a half/two months ago, I had an accident on the job. I was still working at Red Cross and I noticed a bunch of thirty pound boxes were on a broken pallet and were stacked incorrectly, so a volunteer and I went to go get a better pallet to restack the boxes. As we were setting the new pallet down beside the broken one, all of the thirty pound boxes fell, landing on my shoulders, back, and head. The weight of the boxes pushed me to the ground and I wasn't able to get up until the boxes fell off of me. I sprained my wrist, knee, and ankle, severely bruised my other knee, and received a concussion.

A couple of weeks after my accident, my sprains were healing up but I was having a lot of other problems such as serious memory problems. AmeriCorps talked to me about taking a medical leave so that I could recover. I said I would think about it, but would take the weekend to try and recover. I spent the whole weekend in bed, trying to rest. Sure enough, by the next week, I was fine again.

After a week of being perfectly fine again, I was contacted and told I was being sent home for a medical leave. I explained that I was fine, but they wouldn't listen. Once home, I realized that they make coming back very difficult. A lot of doctor paperwork and visits. After a month, I finally made it back to AmeriCorps. After coming back, I expected for things to go back to normal, but... no. A bunch of teams were rearranged, including mine, so now I am on another team. At first I was devastated, well, I still am, but I'm more optimistic than before. The people on my new team seem really nice and awesome, they've welcomed me with open arms, so I'm hoping for the best! There's only eight weeks of AmeriCorps left before we graduate!