Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Big Topic: Modesty

    I'm finally, and officially, reopening my blog again!  I am about to leave for AmeriCorps, so to keep everyone up to date, I decided to blog again.  I will be trying to post once a week about my experiences in Mississippi.  For now, though, I thought I would post about some Christian topics that are often spoken of.
     I hear about modesty all of the time from everywhere. Everyone has their own opinion.  I thought, perhaps, I would state mine.  I have read many blog posts, articles, and books on modesty.  I have read many opinions, so here I go!

    Some say that modesty is where you wear nothing but skirts, the tight collars, and hair pinned back or covered up.  Others say that modesty should be what makes you feel comfortable.  A lot ask where to draw the line in modesty.  In my opinion, I don't think we have to be highly strict like many, that if we want to wear a skirt we should, but if we want to wear a bikini because it makes us "comfortable", how is that modest?  Many girls feel frustrated that we must be careful what we wear and do while men cannot.  That it isn't fair.  That we shouldn't have to be modest if guys aren't.  Well, here is my question to you...  If Jesus were in our shoes, what would He do?

    Being modest should be to honor God.  By honoring God we dress and act a certain way.  By honoring God we don't encourage men to think impure thoughts by how we dress.  So really, if you question how you dress, perhaps you should ask whether that cute pair of shorts, or that cute tank top, or those skinny jeans would please God.  How would you feel if you ran into Jesus wearing shorty-shorts and a tank top?  Or how would you feel if you were wearing a skirt or dress? 

    Many girls throw responsibility onto men about how they should think.  How they should know better than to eye girls walking by.  Well, God put responsibility onto us not to let our brother stumble.  Look up Romans 14:13-23.  It speaks of food, but why should just meat limit us?  Shall we never be a stumbling block?  A friend said if she knew a certain guy felt lust when he saw a girl wearing tights, she wouldn't wear it.  Well, isn't it somewhat rude not to do that to others?  There could be another guy who feels the same way.  I would never want to do that.  Just this morning in church I wore a skirt that was slightly shorter than expected so it made me feel bad.  It wasn't that short, a business, pencil skirt.  But to me it did.  So once again, it's a personal feeling.  Where God compels you.  God may say those types of skirts are OK, or not OK.  But in cases like booty shorts and tights.  I don't think we need God to have to tell us that it's wrong.

    In conclusion, ask your brothers in Christ what trips them up.  Think of whether God would approve, or whether Jesus would have worn something like that if he was a female in this day and age.  Honestly, I imagine Jesus dressing in Duggar (If you haven't heard of them, look up 19 Kids and Counting! They are excellent role models!) style clothes.  And let me say, in my opinion, I think the Duggars rock the look!!

    Hopefully this blog post isn't that bad!  I am finishing this in Americorps now so I'm not sure if it came out alright or not. :-)

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