Trying to think now what else has happened...
Oh! Yes! So we got more snow, kinda icy snow. But it was really pretty! I brought winter with me here! :D To many's excitement and others' dismay!

We also did an assignment where we went to a part of the town and looked for things that would be beneficiary or contrary. It was a very pretty area! It still had flaws, like trees that could collapse, power lines, etc. Then we went to other areas in town where there was more poverty. Both the "rich part" of town and the "poverty" parts of town had good and bad.
And below is a picture of the entire Corps. FEMA and Traditional. If you look on the right two rows back, the tall guy wearing the red shirt, I'm right behind him to the left! :D Between him and the blond-haired guy.
Now on to week 5! It's only Thursday, but oh well! So Sunday, the lovely lady who has been driving me to church every week invited me to go to her house to eat tacos and play games with a bunch of college students and youth! It was amazing to be around a bunch of Christians in a Christian home! I miss being in a Christian home so much!
This week we have been doing our FEMA training, our specific training. So for me I'm doing Logistics. In case I haven't previously explained Logistics: If there is a disaster I am the first one on site to help set up the shelters, get the resources in, organize all of that. Which for me is very exciting!!

More to come soon, hopefully!

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