In this post, I mainly want to discuss the spiritual journey God has led me through. I will start from the very beginning: When God saved me at 12.
When I was 12, I began to go through rebellious phases. Now, rebellious phases for me have never been anything terribly big. At that age, it just consisted mostly of a negative mindset, listening to very worldly music, among other sins. Right when it was beginning to sink deeper, I remember some bad things going on, and where I would usually want to go sin, I wanted God, not something I had ever wanted before. I remember praying to Him and begging Him to forgive me of my sins. Not a super duper amazing story, or anything like that, but God saved me from a lot then, His timing, as always, was and is perfect! If He hadn't saved me then, I would have fallen down a very dark path and I probably would not be here today.
Through my walk with God, I have always struggled, like everyone else, but for me, I always struggled to really feel the need for God. Whenever things went wrong, I always became angry with God instead of clinging to Him, when things were good was the only time I would really pay God any attention. Praying was always a struggle for me as well up until recently.

The first 2 rounds of AmeriCorps, I, on and off, was roughly sticking with God and honoring Him as well as I thought I could, even though there weren't many Christians around me. I had the mindset, at least, that I was serving for God. I attended churches in every city I went in and got a lot out of it. My campus city, Vicksburg, MS, was the main church that helped support me through my time in AmeriCorps.
When I reached my last round, Satan attacked me, and he attacked hard. I fell far from God and did a lot of wrong. By the end of it though, I won the battle, thanks to God. Looking at it now, God tried so hard to get me to listen to Him, but I just wouldn't and it breaks my heart.

That led me to the idea of mission work. I have a goal now to get into mission work, and maybe through that I'll even meet the man God has picked out for me. I also knew that in the mean time, God can be glorified through the sharing of His amazingness, which led me here as well.
In future posts, I plan to post different things on my beliefs and what God has taught me. I also plan to post some fun things too, such as just life things, fun moments, recipes, etc.
I hope you all enjoyed this post, please give it a like and follow! ♥
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
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