It's been a while, I know. A lot has happened, but at the same time, nothing much has happened. I've stayed busy with the normal mundane things of life, and just haven't had time. I was going to post on Facebook using the "On This Day", but when I looked, I realized I had a lot to look back on and a lot to actually say, so I thought, why not just post it on here instead? So here goes...

Three years ago today, we received a
lot of snow in Hinsdale, MT. Northeastern Montana where the temperatures easily drop -30% F. For the first time ever, I really felt like I lived. There was so much to do, so many people to be with, I was the happiest I had ever been. I was able to enjoy tons of snow for the first time. Later on, I would enjoy the summer on a four-wheeler, bike, or just running, seeing the prairie and all it's beauty. I'd see moose, freakish looking deer, swans, pheasant, ferrets/weasels, porcupines, big coyotes, and much more and probably nothing compared to what all is actually there. I got to drive through gorgeous canyons, help at a cow branding... So much happened in my year and a couple of months in Hinsdale, Montana. I made friends, I lost some and kept some that even now I consider my brothers.

Two years ago today, we had just moved to Drummond, Montana. More in the south western part of the state. It was beautiful. There was snow, mountains, and bald eagles all over. A rushing river ran behind our house. It was all beautiful but on this day, I drove back to Hinsdale with my dad to drop off my two closest friends I had met in Hinsdale. We kidnapped them and took them with us to help us move, but now it was time to take them back and say our goodbyes. This made me sad, but later on I will meet new people and do new things. Three months after my move to Drummond, I would be joining AmeriCorps FEMA Corps and leave for ten months to do disaster relief.

One year ago today I graduated FEMA Corps. I met so many people in this time in AmeriCorps, I have many blog posts about my time in AmeriCorps. Especially in the last days of my service, I met and grew closer to some incredible people. Some of them I keep up with even now, and others I do not. My year in AmeriCorps changed me so much. I grew up, I left home and served my country through disaster management and relief. I helped others and in that, I helped myself. I learned to work with others, I learned to love others, and I also learned how to handle those I hated as well. I went from church to church, meeting new people and they helped me to hang on to God when things were the hardest for me. So much happened in that time, there are not enough words to describe that year, that incredible year.

Today: After returning home from AmeriCorps, in March I got a job at a Clinic doing reception and regular secretary work. In October, I left this job to pursue college in Missoula, Montana. I've also put a lot of focus and time into my health, hoping that I will be well enough for my future plans. I am currently working with a temp agency as I get things sorted for college to hopefully start in January. My plan is to major in ... something, still working on what it will be, to eventually join the Peace Corps or a missions work team for a couple of years if not more. I've met a few amazing friends, I've found a good church. I've been on many adventures since last year. I was in a car accident involving the car falling off a mountain, where I was stranded with my friend for twelve hours in elevation of 7,000 feet in freezing temperatures. Since then, she and I have become the closest of friends, an event like that bands you together.

It's amazing how things change. Ever since I knew what animals were, I wanted to work with them. I wanted to be a zoologist. Now, I'm off trying to find new ways to help people. I have felt the call to "take up my cross" in a big way. I want to help others in other countries, praising God all the while. I want to show as many people as I can the love God gives, the unconditional love. I am excited for my upcoming adventures, whatever God decides those adventures to be. I miss a lot of places I've been, a lot of people I've met, but thanks to social media, it's never truly a goodbye. Goodbyes have become much easier for me, I know that one goodbye will lead to a new hello.
I think I will try to blog again, it's nice to write out my thoughts and post pictures with it. I have a lot planned and I think it would be nice to record it all.
PS: These photos are not in chronological order, I just chose my favorites from around that time.
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