Monday, October 28, 2013

First Snow & Cows

We got our first snow! Not much, but hey, when you haven't seen snow in nearly three years, you take what you can get!
                                   The ground was so sparkly!! I thought it was really neat!
The snow was very, very soft this morning! It was fun to play with, except for the fact that only a couple of minutes outside right now makes my fingers go numb.

   (My dog was jumping on me while trying to pick up the snow, which resulted in mixing it with dirt)

Now, as for the cows! There is a fence outside our house that I didn't realize contained cows. Here, the cow pastures are much, MUCH bigger, so naturally there's no telling where they were before. But now they are hanging out around where we are, which is really cool! I've never been around cows much, so it's neat having them outside your window. BUT they get scared much more easily than the cows in GA. So it's hard for me to get close to them, but I happened to have snuck up on them today and got some cool pictures.

The last couple of pictures is of when they finally realized that I was the person they have been running from for the past few days. Before that, they just kept staring. And ignoring.

And then I also managed to get pictures of a "live" pheasant.
Anyways, that's about all. Trying to stay warm. I have never been this cold before and it's not even quite winter yet.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics! I am so jealous you have snow there! (I am not, however, jealous that you have cows. :P )
